Cost-efficient or cost-effective?

Cost-efficient or cost-effective?

No one wants to pay too much, especially when it comes to IT services. But what is too much? The services can be performed at very low cost, but do they meet the actual need? Or do you often have to provide additional tasks, including the associated costs, to get the...
Speak the customer’s language!

Speak the customer’s language!

The world of supplier offers has evolved significantly in recent decades. I receive high-quality offers monthly, which are composed with great care and attention to detail. The content is well described, including specific solutions, tools, and processes. It’s a...
Do many KPIs guarantee better customer service?

Do many KPIs guarantee better customer service?

I often come across lists of SLAs with KPIs with the thought that measuring everything will result in better customer service. This idea is still prevalent in the government sector in particular. However, the opposite is true. This approach often creates a rigid and...